Computer science lesson plan
Computer Science - Class: 5 - Lesson: 2 Text document

Purpose: Learn about Open office text document. Improve typing , perform styling of text like bold, italic, underlining and doing a selection of text.

No. of. Classes

Two or three classes (Teacher's decision).

Material Required

Open office

Prior knowledge

Students should know the following before this exercise.

  • Type text
  • Font style and text appearance
  • Exercise


    Create a new document and type some text, example your name and your school name. Try the following on the typed text:

    Make it bold, underline the text, give it italic style, make selection using mouse.You can use the below link.


  • Link to view the solution video.
  • Link to copy the solution text file.
  • Link to copy output exercise solution.

  • Teacher Instruction
    1. Teacher to ensure that each student types their name or some text.
    2. Teacher to make the student watch the solution video.
    3. After seeing the video, the students should be able to create a document, type some text in the document.
    4. Teachers to use the words Bold, Italic, Underline, Font-type, short-cut keys etc. when teaching, so that the students become familiar with these words.